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WENZELS from Germany to London

My Wenzels came from Dalberg in Germany.
Three brothers came to London in the late 1880s to be bakers.
They married here and never returned to Germany.

I would love to find other Wenzels from Dalberg.
They might have been in Dusseldorf or Dortmund before their move to England.

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 2 months ago

Clements from Dover, Cornwall, Woolwich and Portsea

Our Clements were mainly sailors and soldiers.
Two of them were born in Dover Castle.
The started out in Cornwall, ended up in Woolwich, but one family went to Portsea.

Does this ring any bells please?


Sarah Lindsay

I have never been able to find any thing about my Sarah Lindsay.
She was from Ireland,born abt 1835, probably Down and married William McTear.

They had at least 3 children, and William and the three children came to Cumberland England in 1880. Sarah did not come.

Does anyone have knowledge of a Lindsay family from Conlig please?
I have been told that could be their homeland.


BONUS research

Hard name to search for online.
Ours were from Limehouse and later Portsmouth.
Love to link in with any other researchers.

Looking for WILLIAMS in Tryddyn and Dearham Cumberland

My Edward William, son of Edward, son of Edward ,proving very hard to tie in. Anyone have any info please?

WOODHEAD in Leeds (Hunslet)

Our Woodhead line is from Hunslet but they started out on the Nottinghamshire derby borders.
I do hope someone else has this line. Quite a common name in the north and hard to trace.


I have a huge Smith family in Gateshead and surrounding area.
They came from Tanfield before that.
Does anyone else have Gateshead Smiths please?



I am researching the Bridgewood family from the North East.
Newcastle and South shields.
They went there from Yorkshire, but started in Stoke on Trent.
I have much to share if you would l ike to get in touch.



I have a lot to share on the Tibby family. I have done something of a one name study on this elusive bunch.
Mine went from Wendover Bucks (UK) to London.
Most of them were bakers. They had shops in London in the mid to late 1800s.
Other Tibbys were in Shropshire, and there is almost certainly a link between them all.
Please if you have Tibbys (Tibbeys) in your line, do get in touch.


1 comment(s), latest 9 years, 7 months ago


There are a few of us McTear people now researching the name in Ireland (Down), Scotland and Cumberland England.
We have much to share. Please get in touch if you have McTear
(spelling alts. McTier. McTeer and several other)
